Red poster with black and white bicycles on it. The headline reads "Bike Jam for a Bike Grid". Below it, an aside reads "Belmont Resurfacing Edition - with Urban Environmentalists Il, Better Streets Chicago, and Chicago Family Biking". The date reads "Wednesday, September 7th 5:30PM @ Fellger Park, Belmont & Damen".
Red poster with black and white bicycles on it. The headline reads "Bike Jam for a Bike Grid". Below it, an aside reads "Belmont Resurfacing Edition - with Urban Environmentalists Il, Better Streets Chicago, and Chicago Family Biking". The date reads "Wednesday, September 7th 5:30PM @ Fellger Park, Belmont & Damen".

Bike Jam – Belmont Resurfacing Edition

09/07/2022 5:30pm

Can you imagine spending time and money to resurface a main corridor but then not putting in safe bike infrastructure and instead putting in painted bike gutters that abruptly end? If you can, you must be the Chicago Department of Transportation or working in the Office of Alderman Tom Tunney in the 44th. We’re coming out next Wednesday, September 7th at Fellger Park with Urban Environmentalists IL, Better Streets Chicago, and Chicago Family Biking to jam it up. We know CDOT can give us better. More info on our partners below.

  • Urban Environmentalists: Urban Environmentalists is a community of grassroots activists transforming cities and towns into more sustainable, human-centered, and just communities through land use policy reform.
  • Better Streets Chicago: Better Streets Chicago is a transit advocacy organization made up of Chicagoans looking to the streets to make Chicago more livable, equitable and safe.
  • Chicago Family Biking: Chicago Family Biking is a coalition of parents, advocates & educators who empower families to bike through education, events & safe streets advocacy.

The number of pedestrians and cyclists being killed on our city streets is rising at a horrifying rate. Chicago needs safe streets for all. A bike grid is a huge leap in that direction, creating safer streets for cyclists, pedestrians, children, and motorists alike.

We are actively lobbying our alders, CDOT, the mayor, and other local organizations but we need your help to make sure they hear us and see us. The City, the mayor, our alders, CDOT, and everyone else will have no choice but to hear us.