A Taste of The Grid

08/06/2023 9:00am

Join us this Sunday as we explore what riding a bike in Chicago could be like on The Grid.

We’ll be riding (~10mph) this loop twice, so feel free to hang out at the Glenwood Sunday Market from 9:55-11AM, we’ll be back to pick you up.

Track the ride: https://bikebustracker.bikegridnow.org/

We are watching the weather, you may want to bring a light jacket in case it rains. If there is thunder we will be cancelling. Stay up-to-date on our calendar or socials.

Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=ZjE0MDcwZDY2NWM2OWRjOTYxZmU5MDhmZTVlYzBjNzRhYmNkMDJiMDljZDZmZjg5YmExZWU0NmNlOTE3NzNkMUBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t